Texas LTC is one of the most widely recognized carry licenses that you can obtain across the United States. Texas LTC reciprocity is recognizedin in 37 states and allows you to carry in all of those states while traveling. Traveling outside of Texas with LTC permit has never been easier or more widely recognized.
Reciprocity means that Texas and other states enter into a reciprocity agreement that these states will honor the Texas LTC just like they do their own carry permits and Texas in turn will do the same for their state’s carry permit here in Texas. Now, traveling in these states is easy because you can now carry your gun in those states as if you had that state’s carry permit.
Reciprocity Map for Texas LTC
The map below shows the states that currently have reciprocity agreements for Texas LTC as of the date of this post. You can carry using you Texas LTC in all of the green states shown on the map. Consequently, the residents of those state may also carry here in Texas. With this Texas LTC reciprocity, not only can you travel in those states with your gun in your vehicle, but you can also carry on your person.
Our map above shows the reciprocity for the Texas LTC (valid as of the date of this post). This list will and can change from time to time, however, Texas LTC reciprocity carry is relatively stable and these states are unlikely to change their reciprocity agreements.
Get Reciprocity Now with the Texas LTC
Are you ready to get all the benefits that come with a Texas LTC, including the reciprocity with all these other states to carry there? You can literally get started IMMEDIATELY by taking our online Texas LTC class approved by Texas DPS (Department of Public Safety) and the state of Texas.
Get started now!