Beginning September 1, 2021 Texas law began allowing Texas Permitless Carry. Texas Permitless Carry allows anyone who is at least 21 years old and not prohibited from possessing a firearm to carry a handgun concealed or openly without a license.
Texas Permitless Carry is also sometimes referred to as “constitutional carry”, however, this is not really a true statement as there are many restrictions to Texas Permitless Carry. These restrictions and penalties only apply to those who are carrying without a license (Texas License to Carry) which means that Texas Permitless Carry does not provide all of the protections that are available with a Texas License to Carry (LTC) offered by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).
It is important to be aware of all of the laws and any associated restrictions if you are considering carrying without a license in Texas. Our online Texas Permitless Carry course will teach you what you need to know about laws in Texas.
Below are some of the requirements that you should know about Texas Permitless carry:
- Must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident of the United States.
- Must be at least 21 years old to carry a handgun without a license.
- Must be able to posses and purchase handguns under federal law.
- Must not have been convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanor crimes.
- Must not be a fugitive from justice.
- Must be able to possess and purchase handguns under federal law.
Restrictions of Permitless Carry
If you meet all of the above requirements as well as some additional requirements not listed above, you may carry a handgun either openly or concealed without a license. However, it is extremely important to note that you will have more restrictions and you will not be able to carry in all of the same locations as those who have a Texas License to Carry.
Some of the prohibited carry locations include:
- Places with “no carry” signs (those with a license may ignore MOST but not all no carry signs)
- Schools and school zones (school zones are allowed with license)
- Places where alcohol is sold for on-premises consumption (certain protections are provided with a license)
- City council meetings (allowed with a license)
- Racetrack
- Courts
- Federal buildings
These are just a small list of restrictions as there are simply to list is such a short article. It is important if you are considering carrying a handgun without a license in Texas that you know the law and follow all the applicable restrictions to stay out of trouble.
Take our online Texas Permitless Carry class now.
Would you like to avoid all of the restictions and instead get your Texas License to Carry? You can get certified for your Texas License to Carry at your own pace online below.